HUGO Annual Meeting
Human Genome Meeting
Human Genome Meeting (HGM) is a series of annual conferences organized by the Human Genome Organization (HUGO). It started as a meeting dedicated for Human Genome Mapping. Over the years, with the completion of the Human Genome Project, HGM has evolved from a small targeted meeting into a scientific conference for all genetic and genomic researchers; an excellent platform for industry partners and bio-technology companies as well as pharmaceutical giants; and a fantastic reunion for fellow scientists and networking opportunity for established and young investigators.
March 12 - 14, 2025
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani Hotel, Durban, South Africa
HUGO strives to promote fundamental genomic research and supports fostering scientific exchange throughout the world. HUGO will be bringing HGM2025 to Durban, South Africa focused on genomics education and training with HUGO Education Committee. We expect education-focused themes targeting trainees (students, post-docs, etc.) along with sessions addressing trending topics related to human genomics with renown scientists.
Looking forward to meet you at HGM2025!

What’s involved
HGM centers on a stimulating and interesting program of plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, poster presentations, public lectures, satellite meetings and social events (gala dinner, visits and laboratory tours).
Our scientific program covers a wide range of topics, spanning from system biology and epigenomics to genomic technologies; from drug discovery to gene therapy, pharmacogenomics and genomic medicine; from computation genomics and bioinformatics to genetic and genomic databases; aiming to share most up-to-date research trends, results, information and databases which often sparks off new collaboration opportunities. Apart from generic studies, HGM also provides an arena for presentation and discussion of more focused studies in human genetics and genomics. Working together with the HUGO sub-committees, there will also be meetings specially catered for discussion on ethics, related impact on society and intellectual property.
Past HGMs
- 1996 – Heidelberg, Germany
- 1997 – Toronto, Canada
- 1998 – Torino, Italy
- 1999 – Brisbane, Australia
- 2000 – Vancouver, Canada
- 2001 – Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2002 – Shanghai, China
- 2003 - Cancun, Mexico
- 2004 – Berlin, Germany
- 2005 – Kyoto, Japan
- 2006 – Helsinki, Finland
- 2007 – Montreal, Canada
- 2008 – Hyderabad, India
- 2010 – Montpellier, France
- 2011 - Dubai, UAE
- 2012 - Sydney, Australia
- 2013 – Singapore, Singapore
- 2014 – Geneva, Switzerland
- 2015 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2016 – Houston, USA
- 2017 – Barcelona, Spain
- 2018 – Yokohama, Japan
- 2019 - Seoul, South Korea
- 2020 - Perth, Australia
- 2022 - Tel Aviv, Israel
- 2023 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 2024 - Rome, Italy