
Human Genome Organization

HUGO Forum

Chair: Juergen Reichardt (James Cook University)

Co-Chair: Ada Hamosh (Johns Hopkins University)


A group of HUGO Committee Chairs, HUGO Board members, leaders of ad hoc work groups, and representatives of other cognate national and international organizations to ensure open and robust communication of initiatives within and external to HUGO and discusses priorities. The HUGO Forum will oversee scientific development, assist in recruiting new partners, promote the participation of the organization in meetings and conferences, and recommends goals/projects for our committees.


The HUGO Forum meets bimonthly via videoconference throughout the year.


Members consist of chairs of the Education Committee, Gene-Disease Database Advisory Council, Committee on Ethics, Law and Society, Standards Committee and leaders of ad hoc work groups, the President, Vice President, and at least one HUGO Board member.


The HUGO Forum will also invite senior representatives from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH), Global Genomic Medicine Consortium (G2MC), International Federation of Societies of Human Genetics (IFSHG), UNESCO, and WHO. Additional members may be recruited to the HUGO Forum for their expertise and diversity.


The two co-chairs of the HUGO Forum will be appointed by the HUGO Board for a period of 3 years, with the option of one renewal for a further period of 3 years.  The co-chairs will be appointed with a staggered time period to ensure continuity.




Members :


Juergen Reichardt, James Cook University, Australia, Chair of HUGO Forum

Ada Hamosh, Johns Hopkins University, US, Co-chair of HUGO Forum

Mariela Larrandaburu, Ministry of Public Health and Catholic University of Uruguay, Uruguay,
IFHGS liaison

Teji Rakhra-Burris, Duke University School of Medicine, US, G2MC liaison

Heidi Rehm, Broad Institute, US, GA4GH liaison

Bin Alwi Zilfalil, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, UNESCO liaison

Anna Laura Ross, WHO, Switzerland, WHO liaison

Elena Ambrosino, WHO, Switzerland, WHO liaison

Karen Miga, UCSC, US, Pangenome project

Benjamin Capps, Dalhousie University, Canada, Chair of HUGO Ethics Committee

Tamra Maree Lysaght, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Co-chair of HUGO Ethics Committee

Dhavendra Kumar, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Chair of HUGO Education Committee

Angela Solano, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina,
Chair of HUGO Education Committee

Ivo Fokkema, Leiden University, Netherlands,
Chair of HUGO Gene/Disease Specific Database Advisory Committee

Johan Dunnen, Leiden University, Netherlands, Co-chair of HVNC

Steven Brenner, UC Berkeley, US, Co-chair of HUGO Pathogenicity Committee

Melissa Cline, UCSC, US, BRCA Challenge, Co-chair of HUGO Pathogenicity Committee

Rosemary Ekong, University College London, UK, Co-chair of HUGO Pathogenicity Committee

Marc Greenblatt, UVMH, US, Co-chair of HUGO Pathogenicity Committee

Arleen Auerbach, The Rockefeller University, US

Qasim Ayub, Monash University, Malaysia

Raymond Dalgleish, Leicester University, UK

Collet Dandara, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Aida Falcon, Venezuelan Central University, Venezuela

Jordan Lerner-Ellis, Sinai Health, Canada

Finlay Macrae, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia

Ines Noher de Halac, Children’s Hospital of Córdoba, Argentina

Raj Ramesar, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Augusto Rojas Martinez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

Peter Taschner, Leiden University, Netherlands

Mauno Vihinen, Lund University Cancer Centre, Sweden

Mike Watson, Retired, US

Martina Witsch-Baumgartner, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria

Ming Qi, Zhejiang University, China

Each HUGO Forum member is expected to:


  • be fully versed in the goals and objectives of the organization
  • actively participate in events, including regular attendance at the HUGO Forum meetings
  • serve on one or more project/initiative groups (when requested or consistent with his/her area of expertise) to promote and stimulate specific aspects of marketing or development
  • adhere to and assist in generating Standards and Guidelines and educate others, as well as public and private organizations
  • be accessible to the administrative staff
  • work within their state, country or organization to secure in-kind services or related resources that may be required to address priorities
  • including content development, marketing and the application of new technologies;
  • make suggestions to admin staff regarding ideas for projects, grant proposals and/or collaborations
  • identify potential supporters for HUGO
  • identify and maintain networks all over the world (country nodes)
  • help the admin team by identifying worthy news items for the HUGO newsletter
  • demonstrate a collegiate approach with respect to the aims of the organization and its members, and at the same time represent coherently the interests of their academic/ clinical stakehold